Time management, planning, organisation - keeping commitments and responsibilities logged and controlled- is important in days filled with different activities. I've used a variety of different diary systems - traditional and digital - and always seem to come back to one favourite method: a physical A5 week to a view paper diary/planner.
Throughout my academic studies and professional work I've kept a diary of daily events ...teaching schedules, important meetings, deadlines, spending, contacts etc which have been penned, stapled and glued into the paper pages of a diary. I've kept all my diaries - although some years I'd rather never revisit again. They are all stored - lined up and available should I need to cross reference something from the past - quickly. Doodles on pages often suggest how I felt at a certain time...biro marks that have been added as particular prompts or playful lines to circle round specific points.
The academic year diary shapes my year and accompanies me everywhere. It's often the first thing I look at in the morning and no one day escapes without significant scribbled entries. The diaries document my work and their forms are extended with additional papers, secured with rubber band and bulldog clips, which leave the diary bulging at the end of a year. Coloured sticky notes decorate the pages - layers of square messages to myself that I want to ensure I action. Their ticked off forms provide satisfying record of completion and achievement. The pleasure of starting a clean, flat new diary offers a delicious start to the new academic year.
I've tried various Filofax forms: small, A5 and bigger ...leather, cloth and zipped versions ..they've been good but may be a little too precious for me. The ring binder system works effectively and the additional inserts - maps , rulers etc are satisfying to purchase - but my preference is for another type.
I love a Quo Vadis Principal A5 academic year Agenda Planning Diary- especially the red leatherette cover one , although the blue wasn't bad. Here I've found what I consider to be the best diary. The smooth, quality paper that sits flat when open and doesn't let ink/ballpoint/pencil show through on the next page, offers real luxury. The feel of the paper is great and makes writing pleasurable. The perforated corners help quickly locate which week I'm in and where in the dairy I am. The detachable address book is great and the maps offer valuable reference points - and entertaining distraction on occassion.
Originally designed in 1954 Quo Vadis examples have been more readily available in the UK in recent years. I bought my first one in Canada some years ago and have stuck with them since.
Although working with a Canadian example meant the UK bank holidays were not readily entered, which on occassion I overlooked, overall my first use of the Quo Vadis Principal was so great I don't think I'd change now.
Over the years I've sectionalised work into different diaries - separate diaries for key projects; a small one for my handbag - but I keep my big red diary as the central log. It's this one that operates as the nerve centre for my work. This year I purchased a lovely square pink Quo Vadis - the Executive 2010 - 13 month (16x16cm). This feels great..the square format so pleasurable to work with - makes work feel that little bit better - a decadent functional diary that just feels good.
Computer, mobile and i-phone apps diary types have their uses....and I use these too but not to the same extent as a paper diary. But perhaps I'm old-school when it comes to a diary. I like the feel of the pen on paper; I love the physical weight of a diary; the ease of its use where I don't need to charge a battery. I like writing with a pen (preferably a black Bic biro) when organising my work...
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