Sunday, 11 April 2010

The Milkman - a jigsaw from the People who work for us ( No.6) puzzle range c.1961 produced by Philograph Publications Limited, London.
The range included almost Janet and John style illustrations of key jobs including the road sign worker who paints the white line down the middle of the road.
The square card jigsaws, used as educational tools, have an appealing aesthetic.
Interestingly they capture roles that increasingly become less evident in today's culture. Yes, milkmen still appear - the gentle hum of their vans can often be heard early morning - but their prescence is perhaps less evident. The chink of the glass milk bottles, the bottle carriers on the front doorstep, the trust that no one will tamper with, let alone take your foil topped bottles (where you could see the cream at the top of the milk), have almost become fond memories - easily forgotten.
The design of the Christmas foil tops often had holly motifs on - a nice seasonal touch. The small milk bottles at mid-morning break at primary schools - the privilege of being selected as milk monitor.
The glass bottles with printed advertisements - that were collected.
Makes you think....milk to the home without carrying cardboard cartons or 2 litre plastic bottles....a luxury or are things really now more convenient to be your own milkman?

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